The V2U Healthcare line of dysphagia electrodes are high-quality, low-impedance electrodes that are compatible with existing NMES devices for the treatment of dysphagia. These electrodes oer a costeective alternative to your healthcare facility.

Product Features :
- Silver (Ag) coated carbon film for reduced impedance, greater conductivity and uniform current dispersion.
- High-quality, dual layer of gel, formulated for maximum adhesion.
Gel does not separate from carbon.- Excellent local customer support.
- Prompt turnaround time on orders.
- Competitive pricing.
- Compatible with existing NMES
dysphagia units. - Cost-e
ective , clinically acceptable replacementdysphagia electrode. - Available in our
UltraFlexible , Blue Foam topcoat. - Made in the U.S.A.
- Longer snap posts for secure connection from
lead wires to electrodes.